Goodbye 2023. Hello 2024!

It’s been a year of Firsts!

My first trip to Tanzania.
My first mission.
My first trip with a group.
My first trip to Cantabria (need I repeat, I’m in love)
My first trip to a natural park with cable cars.
My first visit to a cave with eccentric formations.
My first look at 22,000 year old art.
My first visit of a mine.
My first ria.
My first tattoo.
Falling in love with a little town on first sight.
Views of clouds from various flights.

And work kept pace as well,
– A new challenge with the EA project.
– Several new colleagues.
– A promotion.
– Being best in class one too many times.
– Some lowlights too. Burn out. Hiring defects. Politics.
– But there can’t be all good and no bad, right?

Ended the year with a trip to my hometown and gosh… it is a different one! Somehow this time around I felt I connected to more people, had more heart to heart conversations.

There are things I would have loved to do. Learn to crochet. Experience an opera performance. Visit a couple of friends. Indulge in adventure sports. Learn to dance (WCS) or fence. I will have to plan the next year better I guess.

Here’s to things done and undone, unexpected things that happened that brought joy or misery, people I found, people I lost, broken hearts, genuine smiles, surprise parties and having a tribe. I can’t say the year has been dull. Thank you God for the million blessings you sent my way. Thank you for the chances to experience life, love, laughter, sorrow, empathy, kindness, gratitude and so much more. Thank you 2023. And THANK YOU to all those who have been a part of it!

I’ve become fond of exotic words this year. Lagom being my current favourite… so as a new year dawns… I wish you Lagom – everything in moderation – May you always have enough!