Madrid – Sofia: Sights, Sounds, Surprising
Just as we left, I saw a Magnolia bud on the little tree at the entrance. Such joy.
At Madrid, I came across the nicest airport and security personnel. One even carrying my cameras to a table for me to stop stressing about getting it all in without holding the line up. Madrid you surprise me. Just after the pandemic, there weren’t many people flying out and the attitude of the personnel was way different from pre-pandemic days.
The most spectacular take off with “The Simpsons” like clouds …
A promising entry into Sofia … a bit too fast, but phew…
First time using a bellhop. Love that some old traditions remain.
A talkative receptionist.
Food that was just an explosion of flavour. A very strong reminiscence of it’s Arabic influences. Berkovska liutivka.
Lights … lots and lots of fairy lights. (some in the shape of beer jugs). The whole main street lights up in the evening.
Gorgeous view from the hotel.
A chauffeur wishing that Bulgaria gets on par with other European city. I’ve sampled those cities… keep your uniqueness. It’s amazing.