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Your spirit

I went for a very long walk, ma. The clouds sweeping away and the sun shining through was an invitation for to do something different.

All through the walk through meadows filled with flowers, all I could think of is how much you’d enjoy it. How you’d want to be photographed at each spot, how each purple, pink, yellow, red hue would fill your voice with excitement and make your eyes twinkle. How you’d smile and pose and even risk limb and life to lie in a bed of purple flowers. I can see you doing it. Your floral kurta blending in with the wildflowers. Your smile as beautiful as the nature you are surrounded by.

You’d even enjoy trespassing and climbing a wall to get to the lesser used paths like we did. In fact you’d be the first one over the wall. Grinning away. Quite like Anne of Green Gables. She reminded me of you. Her mood, her imagination, her heart, her spirit. Everything I could say about you.

I used to think I was the carefree, spirited one. Now that you’re gone, I realise, I was just reflecting your energy, your passion, you wild side. I’m quite boring left to my own means. Who would have thought that no screen time could bring such realisations?

I saw a house you’d love. In your latter years your knees wouldn’t have loved it so much, but it was a large stone mansion with a sweeping staircase also made of stone. I gasped when I saw it… it was thing of dreams. You would have loved it too.

I so wish you had spent at least one spring with me in Spain. Nature is at it’s best. You’d be humming along with the birdsong. You’d be pruning bushes, making bouquets, smiling, singing and giving praise for everything beautiful around you.

I want to believe that you are doing so right now. Singing, laughing, being happy.

One day lesser to see you, ma! I love you!