I started a new flowerbed momma. I hoed the ground, rid it of weeds, mixed in manure, bought a bunch of flowers and made sure they were planted that very evening.
It’s just their second day, but they smile up at me.
And with each heave of the hoe, with each sod i upturned, with the hard work, sweat and love that went into that flowerbed, I thought of you, my dear momma!
I said a prayer. I asked for help. I begged that you would approve of my little flowerbed!
Sour-puss, Dishoom, Photowalk, London, Fen, Memories
The sermon at mass. One that made me listen. One that asked if we carry the joy of Christ with us or a "cara de vinagre". May my face always shine with God's love. Easily the best Indian food I've […]