Confusion, Travel, Active
Set my OOO this morning and ended up rejecting all MRs. The confusion that ensued… ha ha ha … I should have paid more attention. Travelling to Munich. It took me just above 8 hours door to door. What a waste. The silver lining was the gorgeous views from the plane. Deciding not to go out, but […]
Photoshop, Empty, Potluck, Edna, Conversation, Pray
A Photoshop Beta feature that I totally loved. Remove wires and people. The people filter allows editing. I’m just amazed at how well it works. Left at 4 to 10 and the roads were completely deserted. It took me 37 minutes to get there. I wish all days were so easy. Love that I managed […]
Late, Guests, Joy
Woke up late. Managed to get everything prepped. Just when I thought I’d need to rush, they confirmed they would be late. Time to do my hair and change 3 times … lucky me! Such wonderful guests… I love Susan .. and am so glad that her husband and Antonio started talking too. It was great […]
Lucky, Colours, Prep
In search of lamb, we were steered to a shop that ordered 4 times more than normal and sold lechal at an excellent price. So glad I ended up there and gladder that I was paying attention to the bill. They charged me twice 😀 Autumn colours. Haven’t had a chance to see them so […]
Teach, Explosion, Scenes, Amazing
Speaking about IT and teaching more than we should be. Love when I get IT to do what we want. Waited the whole day for an off-colour joke. It came in the form of a disguise for Halloween. Scenes in a Munich Metro. A fun dinner and a wonderful time with our providers – internal and external. The […]