Song, Space, Lunch, Movie, Sofa
Janet’s rendition of “How beautiful”. So different from the version sung for Patrick…. but still as beautiful.Ian started a new group for people experiencing any kind of loss. I was amazed at how many had no safe space to share their grief. I hope Ian continues to have success and healing. Lunch for Judy’s birthday with […]
Session, Gift, Gift
Joining the session today and it was fantastic. It was such a long time since I managed to attend. The gift of Donal’s voice. Loved it. It’s great to him using his chest voice instead of his head voice.After the discussion on the Rosary, I was looking to find a book that helped me meditate. Today […]
Cloudy, Walk, Sigh
Beautiful wispy clouds that turned pink as the sun set. A long walk with my BFF. Such joy. He’s such a good listener. A sigh of relief after a long, difficult day… Do I really enjoy this job…. Is this the pinnacle? I believe I was put on this earth to do more.
Good day
Today was a good day. Mostly work-wise… there isn’t much more than work these days, anyway. 11 deployments with only a couple of small hiccoughs. 2 apps that have been driving us crazy are in prod with a tolerable margin of error. The biggest central IT service confirmed that they will be using our API. Handed over the DF […]