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A Photoshop Beta feature that I totally loved. Remove wires and people. The people filter allows editing. I’m just amazed at how well it works. 

Left at 4 to 10 and the roads were completely deserted. It took me 37 minutes to get there. I wish all days were so easy. Love that I managed to get a day to drive with the top down. 

A very, very successful potluck. Am so happy I was able to volunteer. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful community. 

Amazing Edna… she made food for everyone. And she made sure she brought extra for Judy, Fr Alex and me. How sweet is she? 

A conversation with D. Salve for my soul. I totally love it. Totally. It feels like home. 

Told Father and few others about my aunt’s passing. He asked for her name and promised to pray for her. I hope he does. I feel like I’m losing everyone I’ve ever known.