Was not going to mass, but come 8:00am I couldn’t sleep and then I remembered it was my fave priest’s final mass in Madrid. Off I was. Traffic a breeze, Parking a breeze, everything led me to church… and on time. Fabulous mass with the choir especially Marcel winning the day! Next year, I should remember to wear red.
Peer pressure got me to wear my sneaker-stilettos 1and1/2years after it was gifted to me. I don’t know why I never wore it before. They are comfy, traffic-stopping and just so much fun. I had Spanish and Nigerian parishioners calling out “Love your shoes”! Who could ask for more? Well, me. But then the vogue compliment came along. 😀
Decided not to use Dropbox to transfer photos to my neighbours. I will never get why meeting face to face is such a dying art. It’s fun. Loved their reaction to the photos. Also got to meet other neighbours, get to know what conversation after retirement is all about and lose at all but one game of Sequence.