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Morocco Lose yourself in Africa

Morocco. A neighbour. A stranger. A friend.
I’ve learned so much in the 2 weeks there. Seen so much. Grown so much.

Here’s a version of Morocco from a trip I loved and hated. I met kind people. I met hustlers. I tasted great food. I wish I hadn’t ordered some other things. Some scenes made me long for home. Some made me glad I left. The landscape thrilled and bored me in equal measures. Some places were verdant and some were shrouded in the red dust that got into and over everything around. The sand and stars left me in awe. The deep faith left me speechless. But what I loved most of all is that women and kids walked the streets at night with no fear.

A word of warning while you scroll throught this gallery though. Don’t expect perfect subjects in these photos. I found these gems in grungy places. With today’s technology it’s so easy to get rid of the parts we don’t want to see, but to seek perfect Instagram images makes us to appreciate ourselves and the beauty around us. We can no longer see beyond the flaws.
I’ve had enough of that… yes.. there are electricity cables and antennas and drains and broken windows. But that’s life. I’m not interested in presenting a photoshopped version of true life. Not anymore. Cars, people, garbage … we have them all in this far from idyllic world. Does it matter? Does it make Morocco or any place less interesting, less travel-worthy? Actually not.

Should you visit Morocco you ask? Only if you want to be in awe of nature and humanity and have an experience that will last you a lifetime.