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All Souls

We prayed for the ones we lost today, ma. The souls of all our loved ones were placed in the hands of God in the most solemn, beautiful way.

While we knelt for the Eucharist, Father called out the names of the persons who have crossed over. The violin weeped and soulful chords of piano music filled the air. I cried. I cried so much. But it wasn’t enough, ma. There aren’t enough tears to make up for losing you. Nothing can ever make up for it ma.

In all that pain, I looked at the people around me and found tears streaming down so many faces. So many inconsolable, implacable hearts.

I would love to know how you are doing ma. I know the Bible’s description of heaven. I know you are in heaven. But I need to know if you are happy. If your expectations are finally fulfilled. If we will meet again.

All I have is hope. And I cling to it like a person does to a rock in a rough current.

Miss you mommy.