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2 years

2 years today. I’ve hated the moments leading to it. Hated the actual moment. And hated every moment since.

Whoever said it gets easier didn’t really know what they were talking about!

I miss you ma. I asked for a mass in your name. It offended me when at the last min it was Fr M instead of Fr R. (Yes, I still get upset about little things.) But he began mass with … Fr R told me to read this… and he read such a beautiful, touching tribute to you. He didn’t call it your death anniversary. He called it the anniversary of the day you stepped into eternal life. And suddenly I found myself smiling through my tears. New life. A life with no pain or sorrow.

I so fervently hope that your version of heaven is reality now. I hope you are free of pain and care. I hope you are happy, ma!

I love you. I hope we will be together soon.



2 years